
Sustainable Livestock in Africa, we Stimulate Innovation and Positive Impact

Our investment platform supports responsible and innovative livestock projects in Africa. We focus on sustainable farming practices that improve animal quality of life, reduce environmental impact and increase productivity. The breeding projects we fund include integrated breeding, animal waste management, genetic selection and breeder training initiatives. By investing in these projects, we are helping to strengthen food security, create local jobs and support rural economies..

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Vers un élevage plus responsable : Les 6 domaines clés soutenus par Bio Invest

Environmentally responsible livestock farming is crucial for African development. It promotes food security by providing quality protein sources. By adopting sustainable practices, we protect biodiversity, preserve water resources and contribute to the mitigation of climate change. Moreover, eco-responsible livestock farming provides economic opportunities, creating jobs and increasing the incomes of rural communities. By supporting eco-responsible livestock farming, we contribute to African development that is respectful of the environment, economically viable and socially equitable..

Integrated breeding
Integrated farming is an innovative and sustainable approach to agriculture that seeks to take advantage of the natural synergies between different species of animals and plants. By raising different types of animals and growing different crops on the same plot of land, farmers can increase their farm's productivity while minimizing their environmental impact.
Animal waste management
Animal waste management is a crucial part of eco-responsible farming, with significant impacts on the environment and the economic sustainability of farms. This practice encompasses various techniques intended to transform animal waste, such as manure and slurry, into valuable resources.
Animal agroforestry
These are systems that combine livestock and forestry. Animals contribute to the health of forests through their natural grazing action, and forests provide food and shelter for animals. This practice promotes biodiversity, sequesters carbon and provides a diversified source of income for farmers.
Farmer training
These are programs that train farmers in the best sustainable farming practices, enabling them to improve their productivity while reducing environmental impact.
Organic farming
It is a farming method that does not use antibiotics, growth hormones or other chemicals, thus producing healthier products for consumers.
Sustainable pastoralism
These are pasture-based livestock systems that maintain the balance between animals, plants and the environment, thereby promoting biodiversity and climate resilience.

High Profit Opportunities in Sustainable Livestock in Africa

Eco-responsible livestock farming represents an investment opportunity with high profitability, combining economic return and positive environmental and social impact. Sustainable farming practices generate increased productivity, reduce costs related to chemical inputs and promote access to premium markets for eco-responsible products. Additionally, by contributing to climate resilience and food security, these investments are less likely to experience disruption from weather-related hazards or food crises, providing long-term yield stability..

Our expertise

Your Strategic Partner for your Eco-responsible Livestock Projects in Africa

We are proud to be your partner of choice for the launch of eco-responsible breeding projects in Africa. Thanks to our solid expertise in financing sustainable projects, we are able to support initiatives that combine profitability and respect for the environment.

Our team of experts, made up of specialists in sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry, has an in-depth knowledge of the challenges and opportunities related to this sector. We put this expertise at your service, supporting you throughout the process, from the development of the business plan to the implementation of the project.

Sustainable Projects

We support responsible animal husbandry initiatives that promote animal welfare, improve productivity and minimize environmental impact.

Expert Team

Our team is made up of specialists in sustainable agriculture and livestock, ready to identify the best projects and support you in your investments.

Personalized Support

We provide tailor-made support to each project leader, by setting up sustainable business plans, advice on livestock management and closely monitoring the progress of each project.


We facilitate the financing of eco-responsible farming initiatives, allowing investors to participate in sustainable projects while benefiting from an attractive return on investment.


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